Finley has started school. My first born little baby boy is all grown up.
I've had a mixture of emotions about him going to school. Sometimes it felt too soon and I didn't want him to go to, other times I felt like he was totally ready for it. And it's not just a change for him but me too. I'm now a school mum. I've had my own worries about the change in program. Will I make new mum friends? Will I get him there on time? I've woke up in cold sweats after having dreams that I just totally forgot about it on his first day and didn't even take him!
But the first day came and he looked so smart and grown up in his uniform. Lee worked from home that day so we could both walk him to school and....Finley was great! No tears at all just excitement. He popped his water bottle in the right place as if he'd been doing it for years, gave us both a massive hug, stood by the gate and waved "Bye Mummy, bye Daddy" and off he went. Just like that.
I've never been more proud.
As we walked away I had a slight wobble of emotion but a cuddle from Lee put me right and that was that. He'd gone.
When we picked him up he ran out full of beans and said "I love my school mummy! Can I go back tomorrow?" I mean what more could we ask for right? It was the perfect start to his new chapter.
His first week of settling in was half days. That was a killer! Not for him, he was totally excited about it all but I felt like I was all over the place. I had to take one child to school for this time, then one child to nursery for that time. One child has a music class in the morning but Finley has to come along to that because he doesn't start school until after lunch on that day and then it swaps around for the following day. Aaahh!
Add to that the pressure of having the uniform washed and ready, remembering the book bag and water bottle and just simply arriving on time. I felt like a deer in headlights for the first few days standing in that playground hoping I'd done everything I needed to, held up my end of the bargain.
Now we're two weeks in and through all the half days. This week he started full time hours. He'd never even been in pre-school for this long in one day so it's been a worry to me but again he handled it beautifully. I'm amazed at how I've managed to raise this boy who has just taken everything in his stride and coped so well, especially when I'm the opposite and panicking about every little thing.
He has been more tired and grumpy at home but I'm giving him a pass on that, after all he's been taking in so much new information it's has to have been quite overwhelming.
And it's starting to feel normal to me too. We have our new morning routine working well and as yet haven't been in a right old panic to get out of the door (I'm sure this won't last!). I've started talking to a few of the mums which is lovely so the playground feels like a much nicer place to be and I've even heard a couple of them joking about drinking wine during the parents phonics workshop so I know I've found my people!
The point in this blog is to say that no matter how daunting starting school feels, when it happens, you realise not just how resilient your kids are but you too. The change has been scary for me but now I'm doing it, it's ok.
Speak soon xx
I've had a mixture of emotions about him going to school. Sometimes it felt too soon and I didn't want him to go to, other times I felt like he was totally ready for it. And it's not just a change for him but me too. I'm now a school mum. I've had my own worries about the change in program. Will I make new mum friends? Will I get him there on time? I've woke up in cold sweats after having dreams that I just totally forgot about it on his first day and didn't even take him!
But the first day came and he looked so smart and grown up in his uniform. Lee worked from home that day so we could both walk him to school and....Finley was great! No tears at all just excitement. He popped his water bottle in the right place as if he'd been doing it for years, gave us both a massive hug, stood by the gate and waved "Bye Mummy, bye Daddy" and off he went. Just like that.
I've never been more proud.
As we walked away I had a slight wobble of emotion but a cuddle from Lee put me right and that was that. He'd gone.
When we picked him up he ran out full of beans and said "I love my school mummy! Can I go back tomorrow?" I mean what more could we ask for right? It was the perfect start to his new chapter.
His first week of settling in was half days. That was a killer! Not for him, he was totally excited about it all but I felt like I was all over the place. I had to take one child to school for this time, then one child to nursery for that time. One child has a music class in the morning but Finley has to come along to that because he doesn't start school until after lunch on that day and then it swaps around for the following day. Aaahh!
Add to that the pressure of having the uniform washed and ready, remembering the book bag and water bottle and just simply arriving on time. I felt like a deer in headlights for the first few days standing in that playground hoping I'd done everything I needed to, held up my end of the bargain.
Now we're two weeks in and through all the half days. This week he started full time hours. He'd never even been in pre-school for this long in one day so it's been a worry to me but again he handled it beautifully. I'm amazed at how I've managed to raise this boy who has just taken everything in his stride and coped so well, especially when I'm the opposite and panicking about every little thing.
He has been more tired and grumpy at home but I'm giving him a pass on that, after all he's been taking in so much new information it's has to have been quite overwhelming.
And it's starting to feel normal to me too. We have our new morning routine working well and as yet haven't been in a right old panic to get out of the door (I'm sure this won't last!). I've started talking to a few of the mums which is lovely so the playground feels like a much nicer place to be and I've even heard a couple of them joking about drinking wine during the parents phonics workshop so I know I've found my people!
The point in this blog is to say that no matter how daunting starting school feels, when it happens, you realise not just how resilient your kids are but you too. The change has been scary for me but now I'm doing it, it's ok.
Speak soon xx
I think it's actually worse for us parents when the kids start school - I definitely felt all that new kid pressure too, and I know I didn't handle it as well as them 😉