One Day...

One day I'll be able to eat my breakfast without feeding other little mouths in between my spoonfuls and constantly telling someone that weetabix cannot be eaten with your hands.

One day I'll be able to pick out exactly what I need from the changing bag without routing through clothes, bibs, nappies and general shit first.

One day my every waking thought won't be "do you need to wee?"

One day I'll drive my car and not listen to kids songs (after they're asleep).

One day I'll have a shower in peace without stopping halfway through shampooing to stop mayhem.

One day I won't have to worry about getting little pinky fingers stuck in sleeves as I get them dressed but instead marvel at how they can do it themselves.

One day I'll be able to sit on the toilet without having a companion/hearing crying or screaming from the other room and having to hurry up.

One day I'll have a car journey where I don't have to lift anyone in/out of car seats, strap anyone in or hold hands as they jump down to the pavement.

One day I can stop buying nappies and wet wipes.

One day I'll sleep through the night.

One day I'll have 3 teenagers!!!

One day, my kids will be grown. They'll move out and not need me as much. One day I'll wish they were this small again.

What's your 'one day' wish?

Speak soon x
