Baby vs Toddler

Both ages have advantages, one sleeps more, one can talk but which age is better? I have both on my hands so I've drawn up some pros and cons to see which child is my favourite, I mean which age is my favourite.

- Saying Mama and Dada is the cutest thing ever!
- They will smile at pretty much anything, and morning smiles when they first see you make you pretty much cry with love every time.
- All in all they are generally quiet humans, this is a godsend sometimes.
- They sleep a lot, newborns especially. Naps galore, it's wonderful and needed for an exhausted mummy!
- Baby cuddles. Need I say more?
- You get to buy new little clothes for them every few months.
- Seeing them interact and laugh with their older sibling is the best, most heart warming thing you'll ever see.
- You can still watch your own TV. This is a biggy - try watching anything that's not kid related with a toddler around, let alone something with bad language, the risk of repetition is too big. But with a baby? Crack on they don't have a clue. Got a new box set? Go for it my friend while you still can!

- Constant feeding. Whether its breast or bottle before you know it the few hours is up and they want feeding again. Never has 4 hours felt like such a small amount of time.
- While we're talking feeding, bottles and sterilising sucks! Its sooooo monotonous, every bloody day. Gggrrrr!
- Vomit.
- Poo, Baby poo, in particular the black tar like poo when they are first born. And also sometimes its green, green!
- They cannot tell you why they are upset and so they just cry, and cry and cry a bit more, while you change their green nappy, give them a cuddle, pick them up, put them down, get a toy, try feeding them, maybe give them some medicine in case its teething and generally pull your hair out trying to find out what's wrong with them trying not to scream 'WHY ARE YOU STILL BLOODY CRYING!'
- The new clothes every few months thing is certainly fun and a nice excuse to go shopping but it doesn't half cost a lot! I'm not made of money!
- Night feeds. I'm shuddering at the thought.
- Lack of sleep in general. This goes for both ages, even when they sleep through the night your sleep will never be the same again.
- All the dribble. Getting through 23 dribble bibs in one day and then having to wash them all.

- They can talk, it's great you can actually have little conversations with them. Car journeys become all the more fun when you can point out buses and trucks together.
- Walking. Totally under estimated when you're in the baby stage but having a walk around with them holding your hand is lovely. Leave that buggy at home from time to time, don't worry about carrying them from the car to the trolley park at the supermarket it's much easier with their little feet toddling. Plus they get so excited you can't help but smile.
- Cuddles. Very different to baby cuddles because they have actually asked for these ones. When your little person climbs on you and snuggles in there is no feeling like it.
- Lots of laughter - from them and you! They find everything funny and its so easy to get a giggle from them but equally they say and do so many cute and funny things you laugh every day!
- Their own language is the best! From when they start to talk and form their words a bit wrong to just guessing as they get a little bit older the whole thing is adorable. Personal favourites are happy dogs (hot dogs) and currently Farmer Christmas!
- The excitement of every day things. 'Do you want to walk to the post box?' 'Oh yes Mummy, the post box Mummy, lets go!' or simply asking them to put something in the bin makes them so happy its joyous!
- He needs me. Whether its simply to reach something for him or to be asked to 'make it better mummy' when he falls over. Its a lovely feeling to be needed.
- (I'm adding this because it just happened as I'm writing) Them saying 'I love you' doesn't get much better than that.

- All the toys. In every room, behind the curtains, in your drawers, your handbag, pockets, oven, everywhere. And standing on them is the most painful thing in the world!
- Tantrums. Just tantrums.
- Repetition. From them and you. They feel the need to ask for something over and over, god forbid you should wait 10 seconds to answer or they'll keep going until they get the answer they require. And repetition from you - 'Can you get your shoes please? Your shoes. Not your dinosaur. Shoes, not my shoes your shoes. Your shoes! Shoes! The same pair you've picked up a thousand times before, your SHOES!!!!!'.
- Toddler OCD. Their milk in a specific cup. Raisins in a bowl not a box. A certain episode of Thunderbirds. Not those socks! The train has to go the right way around the track. Sitting in a particular place and telling you where to sit. Grouping different coloured things together. Lining his cars up in perfectly straight line and correcting it if I move one. I could go on.
- When they get in that mood where it's not quite a tantrum but they're bouncing off the walls. You've got to take them out, occupy them or hide.

So what have we learned? Well, I like both ages for different reasons and both are equally special. If I'm being honest its more exciting with The Toddler because each phase is new, watching him learn and discover is amazing and I have a new thing to marvel each time. But, on the other hand its familiar with The Baby and I know what I'm doing with him this time instead if winging it like I did first time. So my favourite?.....Both.   (Was that a pointless exercise?)

Speak soon x
