Toddler Goings On...

We go soft play with a friend and her little girl, there are countless wonders for a child to run around and play with, ball pits, a tunnel, soft things?! And what does The Toddler spend most of his time with?? One of those toys with the curly metal bar that you slide wooden beads along that you get in a doctors waiting room. I mean he's loving it, led on the floor next to it having a whale of a time! It's like going to thorpe park and spending all day on the teacups! I felt slightly cheated out of my £3 entry fee but he was happy I guess?!
While at soft play we came across the kid who was running riot (there's always one...or five at a soft play) he was bigger than The Toddler but was zooming around everywhere in a babies walker. He came face to face with The Toddler and my boy says "Look out! Be careful!" It was my first realisation that he is paying attention to what I say and I didn't know whether to laugh, be proud or cry for all the things I now cannot say in front of him. Does this mean I have to whisper when gossiping about friends? (By the way friends if you're reading this I only say lovely things obviously!) And do I have to become one of those mums who says 'fudge' and 'fiddlesticks' and 'sssssssssssssssugar'? Help!

*just stopping to feed The Baby*

This weeks repetitive theme is Dora and Friends:Into the City. In particular The Royal Ball episode. I am getting constant requests to watch it, sing the dragon song, just saying the words 'dragons everywhere' seems to be a fun game. I now hate dragons. And Dora.

In other toddler news change is coming and I'm scared.
1. Potty Training  and  2. Taking Away Naps
Now I know that potty training is necessary, but it seems big! It feels like a step that I'm not ready to take. The Toddler may well be fine with it! It's not about the potential puddles or blocking out a week in my diary or him telling everyone that he sees during the process 'Look! It's my willy!' It means he'll be actually growing up you know? I see him developing every day and that's exciting but this one frightens me. What if nursery don't do it the way I do it? (I know they're professionals and deal with it every day - in fact I should ask them for help!) Will I have to carry a potty absolutely everywhere? How many times will I have to cope with The Toddler needing a wee/me cleaning up a mess while The Baby screams?  So many questions are confusing my brain. I'm just going to have to man up and get on with it aren't I?  Damn.

And then there are the naps.
The Toddler has always gone to sleep at 7pm. He sometimes chatted to himself for a bit but its never been an issue. When he changed from cot to bed and then into a new room he was brilliant I can't fault him. But he's started staying awake til gone 9.30 standing at the top of the stairs rattling the gate and asking for ring-a-roses again, this is his song of choice before bed, I have no idea why!
So The Man and me (begrudgingly me) have decided that we will scrap the nap in the hopes that he will sleep better at night. He does. Asleep at 7 and not awake til 6ish. It has worked. However - By the time naps used to come around I would have been on my own with these little critters for 7 hours straight and as much as I love them, Mama needs a break! You get a lunch break at work, I'm entitled to one at home too right? Its already worse that now The Baby is here my break was only from The Toddler unless by some miracle they synchronize their sleeping but now there is no rest, no time to catch up on big brother, impossible to intently watch criminal minds (you need to be able to hear all the detail without a noisy toot toot car going off to catch the killer before they do) and no time to eat or even poo by myself. This is an issue and I'm slowly going mad. By the time The Man comes home I have had two children now for 12 hours largely on my own aside from a coffee here and there with friends - and no that does not count as a break, more like creche. And I have no solution. Sad face.

In triumphant news I bathed both children by myself this week! Normally seen as a two person job, I take The Baby and The Man deals with The Toddler but not this time, Man was working late so in my best 'I can do this' voice I announce bath time, and I didn't die! I won't lie there were some tears, The Toddler wasn't pleased with me washing his hair even though he's fine for daddy but I'm alive to tell the tale and I didn't drown a child so good news!

Speak soon x


  1. I can sooo relate to this. We have the same issue with napping too :(
    Good blog, I'll look out for more.


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