Embracing The Simple Things...

The things I remember about my childhood were going to the beach and running about in the woods getting muddy. Often as parents we feel the need to impress, to be the 'fun mum'. We spend a lot of money taking our kids to places that are no doubt really fun but is it always necessary? Who are we impressing? Ourselves? Our facebook friends? Are we just keeping up with The Joneses?

My favourite times with my family are the easy and usually free things.
At the start of last week I took the boys to the park. While we were there it started to rain and nearly all of the mums scooped up their children and ran off to the car in a state of panic. We put the raincover on the buggy and carried on sliding down a wet slide, The Toddler loved it! We sang rainy songs (because when you become a mum you will sing a nursery rhyme anywhere without a second thought!) and walked over to feed the ducks too. Those ducks couldn't get enough of the seeds we were throwing them as everyone else had cleared off. Yeah we got a bit muddy but it washed, we got very wet but it dried and we had the best afternoon which he is still talking about now.
This weekend we went for a walk, simple as that. And it was great, we do it all the time. The Toddler gets to run free and explore whilst excitedly shouting "Daddy I'm running!" and The Man and I can actually hold hands and enjoy seeing our little man in his element. He finds logs to climb on, leaves and stones to pick up and puddles to jump in. We had a picnic and The Baby kicked about like a dog wagging its tail looking at the leaves swaying on the tree above him as he lay in the shade.

This blog was originally going to be about my favourite parts of being a mum because of course it's not all bad (although my last few blogs may paint a bleak picture, soz). When asking my friends about their best bits of being mum the things we came up weren't the money we'd spent on this or the time we bought them that but instead - the little things.
The smiles you get from The Baby when he sees you for the first time in the morning, feeling proud of them when the achieve something new and the endless sleepy cuddles just after a nap.
For me watching them roll around on the floor with Daddy makes me love him and them even more.

These are the things that you will remember. So slow down a bit, just take a ball to a field and embrace the simple things.

Speak soon x


  1. You're so right, we can all take time to enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Have you come across the National Trust's booklet: 50 things to do before you're 11 3/4? sounds like you've already made a head start on them.

  2. That is the most adorable photo!!


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